Glendale Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal Services

Glendale Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal ServicesIf your home in Glendale was built prior to 1978, chances are you have asbestos materials that were used during construction. Before you tear into the structure for remodeling, better call the experts in Glendale to inspect and determine what those materials might be. Roofing, flooring and adhesives, acoustic ceilings, drywall, stucco, insulation, siding and piping are just some of the construction materials in your Glendale building that may have asbestos in them.

Mold can be present in any Glendale dwelling. Mold grows in moist conditions, and if you have ever experienced issues such as roof leaks or plumbing leaks as well as leaks in siding or windows, you may have hazardous or destructive mold present. PW Stephens will safely remove and dispose of affected areas, and can rebuild any areas that are in need of removal.

Lead paint removal in your Glendale home can be taken care of by PW Stephens also. Lead can cause many serious health issues, and if detected should be removed promptly. We wet sand or scrap and use chemical methods to remove lead paint.

Duct work can become dirty, causing your HVAC or clothes dryer to over work and break down, as well as casing numerous health concerns in your Glendale structure. Cleaning and disinfecting of the duct system can also be performed by PW Stephens.

Call PW Stephens today for mold, asbestos, lead removal and duct cleaning-since 1982, we have been the industry leader in these services!
(800) 750-7733 or email

Rest assured in Glendale as PW Stephens is insured, licensed, and is ready to professionally handle your needs. Cal OSHA #966 DTSC # 5886

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California Contractors License #922790, DTSC #5886, Cal OSHA #966
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