Sunnyvale Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal Services

Sunnyvale Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal ServicesEnvironmental Remediation should be left to the professionals at PW Stephens in Sunnyvale. Handling of mold, asbestos and lead contaminated materials is serious business, and we are licensed, insured and have been servicing industry professional in Sunnyvale and most other areas in California since 1982.

Asbestos can be found in most homes or buildings built in Sunnyvale before 1978 when those materials became strictly regulated. They were used in flooring, insulation, stucco, roofing, drywall, piping, acoustic ceilings and in many glues and adhesives. Known for their good binding qualities and fire resistance, they were later found to be hazardous to our health. PW Stephens safely and effectively removes and rebuilds areas where asbestos materials were used.

Mold is another health problem in Sunnyvale dwellings. Mold can be destructive and hazardous. PW Stephens removes and cleans areas affected by mold and mold spores.

Lead paint is linked to health issues also, especially in young children. PW Stephens can remove your lead painted areas in Sunnyvale, and PW Stephens is Lead Safe EPA Certified for this type of work.

Ducting can pose health issues too in Sunnyvale. Why not have PW Stephens thoroughly clean and disinfect your dryer and HVAC ducts? You’ll breathe easier and your equipment will function better.

(800) 750-7733 or email at will get you in touch with the experts at PW Stephens!

Rest assured in Sunnyvale as PW Stephens is insured, licensed, and is ready to professionally handle your needs. Cal OSHA #966 DTSC # 5886

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California Contractors License #922790, DTSC #5886, Cal OSHA #966
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