Thousand Oaks Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal Services

Thousand Oaks Asbestos, Lead Abatement, Mold Remediation, Air Duct Cleaning, Bed Bugs Removal ServicesPW Stephens of Thousand Oaks can handle all your Environmental Remediation concerns efficiently and cost effectively, avoiding long construction delays that can be very costly and eliminating potential health hazards form uncovering areas where mold, asbestos or lead have been found.

PW Stephens in Thousand Oaks:

Lead removal in Thousand Oaks-Complete removal and encapsulation of lead painted surfaces by chemical stripping, wet sanding and scraping.

Mold remediation in Thousand Oaks-removal of dangerous and destructive mold and mold spores.

Asbestos abatement in Thousand Oaks-we offer removal, encapsulation, disposal and repair of asbestos containing construction materials in Thousand Oaks.
Cleaning of Duct work in Thousand Oaks- we clean and disinfect dryer and HVAC ducting.

Get a hold of us in Thousand Oaks by email at or call us at (800) 750-7733.

Rest assured in Thousand Oaks as PW Stephens is insured, licensed, and is ready to professionally handle your needs. Cal OSHA #966 DTSC # 5886

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California Contractors License #922790, DTSC #5886, Cal OSHA #966
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